
When greenwashing isn’t always what it seems to be …

Consumer’s trust, product branding and the environment. There’s a consumer trust crisis facing both big and small companies (greenwashing). Only 48% of the general population in the United States alone trusts businesses according to the Edelman Trust Barometer, falling from 58% last year and with a general trend moving downward over the past decade. Lack of trust can manifest in many ways: lack of transparency, lack of authenticity, lack of quality verification, lack of origin, lack of necessary information in regards to health issues.

Today’s consumers are getting more and more conscious and aware of their ecological footprint, and they are demanding detailed information and proof that the products they are buying are sustainable, organic, eco-friendly, and that companies are fair to the workers. Customers may be more likely to complete a purchase if they trust your company and your products more than they trust your competitors.

Why green washing isn’t always green

Jessica Welch of the Food Revolution Network addressed the issue:

“Companies of all sizes use greenwashing to trick consumers through creative branding into believing they are choosing healthier and more eco-friendly options.

By using specific phrases, like “all-natural” or “sustainably produced,” and visuals associated with health and nature, companies give the impression they are more environmentally friendly and healthier than they truly are.”

So, when you brand your company as a ‘green/fresh/sustainable/eco-friendly’ company, how can your customers rely on this information to be accurate and true? Only when customers believe you’re giving them value, rather than trying to get value out of them, and if you come across as sincere, they’ll be more likely to trust your motivations and intentions.

UNISOT solutions can be used to track products from the first raw product producers, the logistics, the production, distribution and all the way to the end consumer, and help prevent waste, counterfeit products and unethical practices. 

The UNISOT system also provides multiple tools for companies to provide proof and verified information that customers currently require, such as Proof of Authenticity, Product History, Provenance and Transparency, thus becoming a Universal Source of Truth.

UNISOT’s Digital Threads enable personal interaction and unique direct feedback from customer to producer. UNISOT’s Digital Tokens enable global customer loyalty programs. 

The UNISOT Consumer App enables customers to get verified information about the product’s provenance, its ingredients, origin, allergens such as nuts, lactose, gluten, egg, soy, etc, if the product is organic and/or locally produced, fair trade, fair wages, etc. thus enabling them to make sustainable and environmentally friendly choices. 

UNISOT provides a disruptive, innovative and distributed Enterprise Blockchain Platform that will scale globally. Feel free to contact us if you want to know more about how we can help your company.