At UNISOT, we are deeply committed to empowering the cocoa industry with pioneering technology and innovative solutions. Our CocoaOnChain solution redefines traceability, verification and labeling throughout the entire cocoa supply chain. With our Industry Solutions, powered by Blockchain & AI technologies, we provide a comprehensive and transparent approach to assist companies in embracing sustainability, complying with regulations, safeguarding the authenticity of cocoa products, from cultivation to distribution, and fostering stronger connections with consumers.



Understanding the cocoa industry

The cocoa industry stands as a fundamental sector within our society, encompassing a wide spectrum of cocoa production, from the cultivation of cocoa beans to the creation of chocolate and related products. It underpins livelihoods, enriches communities, and propels economies. UNISOT’s CocoaOnChain is meticulously developed to uphold these principles, ensuring transparency and compliance throughout the cocoa supply chain.

Building Confidence

The cocoa industry faces unique challenges in ensuring the transparency and traceability of its products. CocoaOnChain addresses this by recording and securely storing transactions on an immutable blockchain ledger. This creates a transparent, auditable and tamper-proof trail, from the moment seeds are sown to the products’ arrival at the hands of consumers.



Traceability and Transparency

CocoaOnChain provides end-to-end traceability and transparency within the cocoa supply chain. From the sourcing of raw materials to the final delivery of products, you can confidently highlight the journey of your goods, offering customers the peace of mind they deserve.

Embrace Sustainability

Join the movement toward a more sustainable and environmentally responsible future. UNISOT’s CocoaOnChain empowers you to implement and demonstrate sustainable farming practices that reduce the ecological footprint. This aligns your company with the values of eco-conscious consumers who appreciate your dedication to a greener cocoa industry.



Simplified Agriculture Labeling

CocoaOnChain simplifies the often-complex labeling process by integrating digital technologies and Blockchain. Our solution ensures that accurate and up-to-date labeling information is easily accessible to farmers, manufacturers and retailers, promoting consistency and compliance.

Secure Data Capture

Our solution enables secure data capture at every stage of the cocoa supply chain. By adopting a Universal Source of Truth approach, our platform consolidates information on a distributed global data layer, fostering trust-based collaborations among all stakeholders.



Regulatory Compliance

Stay ahead of evolving regulatory requirements with ease. Our platform automates documentation, streamlining the compliance process. With CocoaOnChain, you can ensure that your products consistently meet the necessary industry standards, gaining credibility and trust from regulatory authorities and customers alike.

Build Consumer Trust

Enable deeper connections with consumers. CocoaOnChain offers a direct communication channel with consumers that fosters trust and engagement. Share the unique story of your products, their origin and the dedication behind them, creating a strong bond with your customers.


UNISOT, the Universal Source of Truth, is a groundbreaking Asset Traceability Platform based on Blockchain & AI technologies. It utilizes the transparent and secure nature of Blockchain technology to provide transparency, traceability and efficiency in cocoa supply chain management. UNISOT’s CocoaOnChain, driven by Digital Product Passports, is poised to revolutionize the cocoa industry. The benefits are vast, ranging from enhanced traceability and transparency to substantial improvements in efficiency and consumer trust. By placing unique QR codes or RFID/NFC on each product, customers can use their mobile phones to scan and access a wealth of information through a Digital Product Passport. The Digital Product Passport contains information upheld by UNISOT’s Smart Digital Twin technology, ensuring instant availability of verified, current details about every product. CocoaOnChain contributes to sustainability efforts by enabling the tracking of eco-friendly practices and ethical sourcing in the supply chain. This empowers costumers to support businesses that prioritize sustainability and ethical considerations.

UNISOT’s Chain-of-Custody (CoC) provides secure and transparent traceability. It creates an accurate, timestamped record of each transaction, ensuring real-time visibility of a product’s journey from production to delivery.

It involves authenticating each participant in the supply chain and thereby adding layers of accountability and trust. UNISOT’s CoC delivers undeniable proof of a product’s Chain-of-Custody, ensuring its authenticity.


UNISOT’s E-liability function (ELI) offers transparent GHG emissions tracking across business supply and distribution chains, refining the current system and reducing inaccuracies and manipulations.

Companies measure their direct (Scope 1) emissions, termed “E-liabilities”, in units of various gases like CO2, CH4, N2O and O3. These emissions are allocated to products using traditional accounting techniques. The product’s ‘price’ then reflects both its financial price as well as its environmental price. All these records are securely stored on the Blockchain.

Finally, consumers can view the total emissions associated with a product through the UNISOT Digital Product Passport, aiding in informed purchasing decisions based on a product’s environmental impact.


The UNISOT Data Collection App (DCA) is a mobile-friendly, web-based application tailored to simplify data collection for field workers. This intuitive app is pivotal in efficiently gathering essential information from various field operations, covering a broad spectrum of activities and measurements. Through the DCA, field workers can effortlessly log diverse data types, ranging from completing job tasks and capturing delivery specifics to recording quantitative metrics like quantities, weights, geographical locations. etc. A key feature of the DCA is its capability to securely record detailed information about raw materials, including aspects of their processing, handling and chain-of-custody, along with methods used and volumes processed. This functionality is critical across sectors where tracing the lifecycle of products, from raw material sourcing to recycling, is essential. Moreover, the app supports documenting the logistics involved in loading, transportation and delivery of goods, making it an invaluable asset for logistics and supply chain management. The UNISOT Data Collection App is an effective tool for inventory management and waste reduction, facilitating the accurate registration of inventory levels and discarded items. Whether it’s employed for monitoring field operations, assuring the quality of goods in transit, or keeping inventory records current, the DCA stands out as an essential tool, enhancing both the precision and efficiency of data collection in the field.

Agriculture Industry


CocoaOnChain enhances transparency and trust in the cocoa industry. It enables customers to make informed choices by providing verifiable information about product origins, certifications and compliance with industry standards such as Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) and ISO 22000.


The Digital Product Passport (DPP) is designed to comply with both EU and US regulations, such as Traceability (EC 1781/2006), Farm-to-Fork (EC 178/2002), The Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), and Country of Origin Labeling (COOL). These regulations underscore the critical role of traceability in food safety. The DPP ensures that all stakeholders in the supply chain, from the farmer’s soil to the consumer’s microbiome, have access to relevant product information. It also includes the necessary data attributes for tracking any substances of concern throughout the product’s lifecycle. This alignment with EU regulations and adherence to the principles of the General Food Law Regulation ensures comprehensive food safety and transparency.

The Digital Product Passport’s content is dependent on the specific product and its category, encompassing a variety of information such as:

  • Origin: Where and how the product was made.
  • Manufacturing details: Information on the production process.
  • Distribution and delivery: How the product reaches consumers.
  • Usage guidelines: Instructions and best practices for using the product.
  • Recycling processes: Ways to recycle or dispose of the product responsibly.

This information is supported by a detailed set of data that traces the product’s lifecycle. The significance of this passport includes:

  • Telling the story of the product and its components’ journey.
  • Offering insights into the product’s origins, enhancing transparency.
  • Assuring environmental integrity to prevent greenwashing.
  • Facilitating a move towards a circular economy, focusing on the longevity, recyclability and efficiency of materials and methods.


The Digital Product Passport (DPP) serves two important purposes: external use for customer engagement and internal use for companies to leverage data benefits. Both aspects contribute significantly to transforming business practices, enhancing stakeholder relationships and promoting compliance with regulatory standards, all aligned with broader societal and environmental objectives.



This feature enriches the product’s story and appeal by providing detailed narratives, attractive images, and engaging videos. It helps in establishing a strong brand identity and emotional connection with the consumer, enhancing marketing efforts.


A unique ID and QR-code gives access to a wealth of information such as origin, ingredients, journey through the supply chain and sustainability practices. This plays a crucial role in combating counterfeit products. Consumers can verify the authenticity to ensure they receive genuine products.


Digitally signed data from verified sources on the blockchain ensures data is provable, with creators held legally accountable. This solidifies data integrity, enables transparent traceability, and upholds the authenticity and legal liability for information entered.


Creates a direct communication channel for customers to share feedback about their product experiences. This feedback is crucial for businesses to gain insights into consumer preferences and improve their products and services accordingly.


Allows customers to buy loyalty certificates, directly supporting the people involved in the production of the product or contributing to charitable causes. This feature builds a sense of community and goodwill and strengthens customer loyalty to the brand.


Encourages eco-friendly responsible behavior by offering incentives for returning packaging materials. This not only promotes recycling but also aligns the brand with sustainability goals and the principles of a circular economy.



Facilitates rapid identification and tracking of products in the event of a recall, minimizing risk to consumers and reputational damage. The passport’s detailed product history allows for targeted recalls, ensuring only affected products are withdrawn.


Ensures compliance with EU and US regulations by enhancing product traceability, providing accessible and comprehensive product information, and facilitating environmental impact reporting, all of which are key aspects of these regulations.


Offers access to critical data sharing across the supply chain, enabling faster, more informed decision-making. Detailed product data helps in responding quickly to market demands, inventory needs and operational changes.


E2E Traceability plays a pivotal role in enhancing the auditability of the cocoa supply chain. By providing a secure, transparent, and comprehensive data repository, it enables auditors to effectively verify compliance, assess ethical practices, and ensure responsible sourcing throughout the supply chain.


Demonstrates commitment to social responsibility and responsible products. This transparency supports corporate social responsibility initiatives and aligns with consumer expectations for socially conscious brands.


The Digital Product Passport plays a crucial role in quality control. It allows for better collaboration across the supply chain and helps companies to quickly identify and rectify any quality issues, ensuring ambitious standards are consistently met.


UNISOT’s Asset Traceability Platform aids companies in complying with the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) through its automated solution for mapping supplier networks. This helps ensure business practices meet the directive’s human rights and environmental standards, starting from 2024 to 2026.

UNISOT’s Blockchain & AI platform helps companies comply with the EU’s Deforestation-free Products Regulation by tracking products from source to market, ensuring they’re not linked to deforestation. It stores detailed origin and compliance data, simplifying due diligence and supporting sustainable practices. This will be effective from December 30, 2024.

UNISOT’s Asset Traceability Platform is crucial for EU’s CBAM compliance, providing advanced data collection tools for accurate carbon calculation, real-time reporting and secure integration. It ensures compliance with CBAM’s verification standards, facilitating a smooth transition and preparation for full implementation by 2026.

CSRD – Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive
UNISOT’s Asset Traceability Platform streamlines CSRD compliance for companies with its secure data collection across the supply chain. It tracks and manages vital ESG data, enhancing transparency and supporting sustainable practices. This system aligns with CSRD requirements, aiding responsible business operations from January 1, 2024.

FDA – The Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA)
CocoaOnChain’s traceability capabilities support companies in meeting the FSMA requirements by offering a comprehensive, transparent and easily accessible record of cocoa production, processing and distribution.

EPA Scope 3 GHG Emissions
UNISOT’s CocoaOnChain enables companies to track and report on their Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions throughout the supply chain, helping them to identify areas for improvement and comply with EPA guidelines.


Embrace innovation, transparency and sustainability with UNISOT CocoaOnChain.
Contact us today to schedule a demo
and unlock the full potential of your cocoa supply chain