The UNISOT™ system enables data-capturing and -monitoring from all parts of the supply chain; from a farmer’s smartphone app or extracting data from the production plant to automatic IoT sensors, Computer Vision, ERP-Plugins, Big Data Analytics and Machine Learning.
Captured information is securely stored and managed by ‘Smart Digital Twins’ that resides in the Metaverse (Public Blockchain). When the real-life physical object changes owner and location its Smart Digital Twin and its captured information also changes owner and ‘location’ in the Metaverse.

Information regarding seed origin & quality, DNA is captured and stored in Smart Digital Twins.
All through the growing phase, information about fertilizers, water consumption, soil and fertilization conditions, weather conditions and different treatments is captured and added to the Smart Digital Twins.
When the product is harvested, information such as time, locations, batches, weights, methods, waste, etc. can be captured and registered to their corresponding Smart Digital Twins.
Important information about the received raw materials is useful for the processor to effectively plan and efficiently handle the production. Production systems consecutively add information about time, locations, processes, resource consumption and waste materials to the respective Smart Digital Twins.
The transport conditions can be critical for maintaining the quality and value of the products. Information from IoT sensors, Transport Management Systems and Mobile Apps is securely stored in the Smart Digital Twins.
The retailer now has access to valuable product information such as Sustainability, Provenance, Quality and Brand information. They can add additional information about their handling of the products such as storage temperatures, handling, energy consumption, waste, etc.
By connecting every single product item with its Smart Digital Twin by a unique QR code or RFID chip, consumers can get detailed, verified information about the Composition, Quality, Provenance, Sustainability and Brand for the specific individual item they are scanning.
To complete the product life cycle, information about recycling, waste management and reuse can be stored in the Smart Digital Twins. This enables life cycle-traceability, life cycle-management and sustainable reuse of resources and materials.
The combination of Smart Digital Twins in the Metaverse acting as a Global Data Lake enables all actors to securely exchange and trade valuable information across company borders. The Digital Threads break the current 1-up/1-down blinder situation. This provides a real-time feedback loop back to producers enabling them to fine-tune their production methods to maximize quality, efficiency and sustainability.