The Life Cycle Assessment [LCA] solution provides tools to create a complete end-to-end inventory of the energy and materials that are required across the supply chain, and to assess the cumulative potential environmental impacts. Producers, distributors and retailers can securely document and prove the environmental profile of their products, down to single packages level and in near real-time.
LCA is becoming more important for the social responsibility of the corporate world. By creating an end-to-end environmental trace, it can help identify ways to mitigate ecological impacts thus generating cost savings. It can also be used to improve risk management and can be used to be published in annual corporate sustainability reports.
Environmental Impacts I Consistent Methodology
The LCA module provides standardized LCA methodology as well as the necessary Global Data Lake, enabling secure standardized information exchange across company borders and enables transparency of implemented methods, models and data.
The LCA solution enables companies to perform Life Cycle Assessments with manual input of required information. Additional information such as energy consumption, water consumption, CO2, … automatically collected from their production systems can then be added. Finally, they can include data provided from their partners in the supply chain.