Did you know that public blockchain technology will revolutionize supply chain management? From reducing costs to enhancing efficiency and boosting sustainability, the potential benefits are immense.

At UNISOT, we’re at the forefront of this transformation.

These are just 3 keyways the public blockchain can transform your supply chain. Let’s shape the future of Supply Chains together!

Contact us today to schedule a personalized demo and embark on a journey towards increased transparency, efficiency, and competitiveness.

Customers and End Users

With the public blockchain, customers and end users can be sure about the quality and authenticity of the products they want to buy. It keeps a record of all the important information about the products, such as quality control tests, certifications, and where they come from.

This means customers can easily track and verify the origin and journey of the products, ensuring they are genuine and not fake. Customers can now shop with confidence, knowing that they’re getting the real deal and not counterfeit products.

Suppliers and Producers

With public blockchain, suppliers and producers can easily track and trace their goods, raw materials, and components as they move through the supply chain. This gives them a clear view of where everything is at any given time. It helps them stay accountable and ensures that everything is running smoothly. Plus, blockchain’s real-time inventory tracking feature helps them manage their inventory more efficiently. They can now avoid running out of stock by knowing exactly when to restock and can reduce unnecessary costs and waste by keeping just the right amount of inventory on hand. In short, public blockchain helps suppliers and producers streamline their operations, save money, and improve overall sustainability and efficiency.

Logistics Providers

With public blockchain, logistic providers can have real-time tracking of their shipments, which means they always know where they are and when they’ll arrive. This helps avoid delays and plan routes more effectively. It makes logistics operations smoother and more efficient. Additionally, the public blockchain allows providers to securely share logistics data with others involved in the supply chain, like suppliers and customers. This means they can collaborate easily and directly, without relying on intermediaries. It simplifies communication and reduces costs. In a nutshell, the public blockchain helps improve logistics operations, save time, and work more seamlessly with other parties in the supply chain.